とまり きき みて とおった むこう

とまり きき みて とおった むこう
2024. 9.21-26
jichanchi (大阪)

Stoped, Looked, and Crossed over 
2024. 9.21-26
jichanchi (Osaka)


jichanchiで個展を開催するきっかけは、2年前、jichanchiのオープンイベントに遡る。初めて訪れたjichanchiの開放的な空間に惹かれ、その場でオーナーの斧田さんに「ここで個展をやりたい」 と伝えたところ、斧田さんは私のことを覚えてくださり、後日、「義理の父が残した詩を使って作品を作ってほしい」という制作依頼をしていただき、私は、週に1〜2回、jichanchiに通うようになった。jichanchiに訪れては、制作をしたり、しなかったり、イベントのお手伝いをしたり、ヨガやストレッチ教室に通ったり、様々な形で2年間を過ごした。

jichanchi” is a space that was renovated from a building that was built 100 years ago as a kitchen and then used as a residence in conjunction with the construction of the Kintetsu train line (between Nunobazu and Abenobashi). Today, as a cultural center open to the community, it serves as a place for local exchange, hosting a variety of events and workshops. In this exhibition, the artist presented works that intersect and resonate with the memories of the place inscribed in “jichanchi” and the individual memories of each visitor.

The impetus for holding a solo exhibition at jichanchi goes back to the jichanchi's opening event two years ago. I was attracted by the open space of jichanchi on my first visit and told the owner, Mr. Hatxuda, that I wanted to hold a solo exhibition there. I spent the next two years visiting jichanchi, creating and not creating, helping out at events, attending yoga and stretching classes, and in many other ways.

jichanchiオーナーの義理お父さん 「じいちゃん」。仏像を掘ることが趣味だったそう。いつもこの仏像たちがjichanchiのヨガスペースを見守っている。仏像以外にも姑さんの像もあったりする。
jichanchi owner's father-in-law, “Grandpa”. His hobby was digging Buddha statues. These Buddha statues always watch over jichanchi's yoga space. In addition to the Buddha statues, there is also a statue of his mother-in-law.
Grandpa's back
Carved wooden Buddha image (by Grandpa)/chouchi (long handle)/oil paint/canvas/mirror
jichanchiオーナー斧田さんの義理の父「じいちゃん」。人に勧められて 、毎日 細く切ったチラシの裏に詩を書いたそうだ。じいちゃんの詩には、四季や家族のことが綴られており、じいちゃんの日常が垣間見える。

Grandpa” is the father-in-law of jichanchi owner Mr. Axeda. He was encouraged by others to write poems every day on the backs of shredded leaflets. Grandpa's poems are about the four seasons and his family, and offer a glimpse into his daily life.
A device for gazing at what is important.
Watercolor/acrylic paint/oil paint/paper/oil paper/wood bond/plants/poems written with pen on paper
jichanchiの立派な庭をモチーフに作品を作りたいと思った。庭といえば、雑草、そして斧田さん だなと連想した。
斧田さんは年中、jichanchiの庭の雑草と戦っている。雑草抜きの業者を頼んだり、jichanchiの常連さんにお手伝いをお願いしたり、時には自分で抜いたり。そのやりとりや手配の様子を2年間 側で見てきた。
I wanted to create a work using jichanchi's magnificent garden as a motif. I thought of the garden, weeds, and Mr. Axeda.
Mr. Axeda fights weeds in the garden of jichanchi all year round. He hires a weed removal company, asks jichanchi regulars for help, and sometimes pulls the weeds himself. For two years, I have been watching the interaction and arrangements from his side.
It is truly amazing that Mr. Axeta manages and maintains such a large house as jichanchi.

Many shelves, brought from the house before the renovation of jichanchi, are used here and there in jichanchi. I was also surprised to see a large shelf placed in the mirror storage space in the yoga space. Somehow, one of the shelves contained a letter with “grandpa's” brother's name written on it, a piece of paper with “contractor” written on it, and a triangular ruler.
こっそり、jichanchi円窓(円窓から踏切や道明寺線の電車が見える)の近くにQRコードを貼った。QRコードを読み込むと、24年前に投稿されたYahoo!知恵袋の、ある質問に飛ぶ。近鉄の踏切前にある三角柱の標柱「とまり、きき、みて、とおれ」。ずっと、「きき=利き手= 右」だと思っていたんですよね。あっ!そうそう、展示に来てくれた辻岡さん @tsujioka.naomi に「Railroad crossing stop look and listen sign 」というものがあるよと教えてもらえたの良かった!
I secretly put a QR code near the jichanchi circle window (from the circle window you can see the railroad crossing and the train on the Domyouji line). The triangular signpost in front of the Kintetsu railroad crossing reads “Stop, Listen, See, Stop. I always thought that “Kiki = dominant hand = right”. Ah! Yes, I am glad that Ms. Tsujioka @tsujioka.naomi, who came to the exhibition, told me that there is a “Railroad crossing stop look and listen sign”!


Originally, before the jichanchi renovation, they had planned to pass a “single road” across the building and the site. However, they decided not to do so because of the heavy traffic on the bank side of the Ishikawa River, which was dangerous for passersby.
After reading the text by the architect, I thought the idea of creating a path and opening it up was very nice, so I decided to create a path in the shower room, which is usually used as a storage room. From the window of the shower room, one can see the bank of the Ishikawa River. The wind blows through the window and the curtains in the shower room sway.
A single path.
oil paint/canvas/double-sided tape/quartz/red crystal/rosemary

建築家によるテキスト 引用↓






今回のコラボドリンク担当はるさん @tange_or に、メニュー提供中に着る白いワンピースに絵を描いてもらえないかと提案を受け、洗濯しても落ちない布絵の具を使って描くことになった。
お菓子担当のどんちゃん、なりさん @chico.s_tree_sweets のバンダナにも描くことにした。
Haru-san @tange_or, who is in charge of the collaborative drinks this time, suggested that we ask her to draw a picture on the white dress she wears while serving the menu, and we decided to use fabric paints that would not come off even after washing.
I also decided to paint on the bandanas of Don-chan and Nari-san @chico.s_tree_sweets, who are in charge of sweets.
On the dress, I painted images of lemonade and aromaticas, and on the bandana, I painted the sky of Komagaya.
The paintings were moving works of art during the Triennial, and thanks to the visitors who made the rounds of the exhibition halls, the paintings moved lightly and vividly.

はるさん コラボドリンクメニュー  


jichanchi にある爽やかな緑と朝のイメージで作りました。リーフのゆらめきと優しい甘い香りがjichanchiの空間自体の安心感と重ねました。





In all of them, I tried to incorporate the “overlapping” and “colorful” nature of Moeka's work and the transition of time spent at jichanchi into my own drinks.

[Morning Mint Tea]

I created this drink based on the image of fresh greenery and morning at jichanchi. The shimmering of the leaves and the gentle sweet aroma overlapped with the sense of security of the jichanchi space itself.

[Hibiscus tea at sunset]

I created the image of a nostalgic feeling of the old life and the facility calming down after the sunset.

[Tonic Coffee at Night]

I created this image of a jichanchi that is not only calm but also a bit exciting, where people gather and bustle even at night and wait for the next day or the next event after they leave. We used coffee tonic, which is a slightly full-bodied coffee with a splash of carbonation, to express the unsettled feelings of the people who gather there.


[秋茜 (茜色の空と赤トンボのアキアカネをかけています)]

[Akane Akane (Akane-iro sky and red dragonfly Akia kanae)]
The exhibition was held in September. I made the sweets from the autumn scenery that came to my mind from my grandfather's poems, which are interspersed throughout the work. Inspired by Shimoura's colorful colors, we mixed local Komagaya grapes, raspberries, and other ingredients into a jelly. The black tea jelly at the top is sprinkled with calendula (calendula), also known as “the herb of the sun,” to resemble a red dragonfly.

jichanchi に住んでいた「じいちゃん」は、どこか私の父に似ている。文字、趣味の仏像彫刻、几帳面さ。「じいちゃん」と父が重なり、父との思い出のケーキを作ろうと思いました。異なるケーキ生地を組み合わせ、りんごを重ねて焼き上げる。さらにパイ生地を重ねて。それは下浦さんの作品作りの再構築・重ねる手法にも似ている気がします。

[recollection - reminiscence]
Grandpa” who lived in jichanchi is somewhat like my father. His letters, his hobby of carving Buddhist statues, his meticulousness. Grandpa” and my father overlapped, and I decided to make a cake in memory of him. Combine different cake doughs, layer apples and bake. And then layer on more pie crust. I feel this is similar to Shimoura-san's method of reconstructing and layering his creations.


Mr. Shimoura's work is characterized by the overlapping of small pieces and the scattering of stone fragments and plants. This pastry is inspired by the shape of his works. A cheese tart is layered with slices of pear and accented with pink pepper for color and taste. Please enjoy the overlap of sight and taste.

[mukou むこう]

[moe 萌]






5 pieces including flower shortbread and 2 kinds of florentine

These cookies were made while feeling the colors and layers of Ms. Shimoura's work. The world I saw through the sweets was filled with warm light and freshness.


The circle of beurre de neige is made to look like the sun, and is combined with the kipfel, a traditional Viennese pastry representing the crescent moon.

Does the name of Shimoura-san, “Moe,” come to mind?

[Herb cheese cookies]

Chikonoki's classic rosemary cookies and Himalayan salt and cumin pastry sticks. The pink color of Himalayan rock salt resembles the stone used in the artwork. These salty cookies go well with alcoholic beverages. Please enjoy them for an autumn evening's viewing.

[Moon Scent]
A large round window in jichanchi.

The view from here is always different. Long autumn nights. Please enjoy the moonlit night from the round window along with the artworks.

じいちゃんちのいちじくをドライフルーツにして入れたパウンドケーキ 秋味栗のケーキ[Chestnuts/Fruits]
Pound cake with Grandpa's figs as dried fruit Autumn-flavored chestnut cake